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Showing posts from November, 2023

FTMUSIC studio™ Christmas season December 25th 2023

                              Christmas season music freestyle performance project                It has been a wonderful time with us since we laid down this studio, and it been so much easier for us to get all this done all by the help of God.      The founder and CEO of FTMUSIC studio™ appreciates all of the members, workers and followers who is bringing more enlightments and joy to the studio. He is also wishing everyone a merry Christmas season 2023 and a wonderful happy new year 2024,in Jesus name amen Thanks for been there with us. MUSIC LYRICS HELLOEQUALIZER {VIX}™ Snowing rain, it a coldy day dancing round like a fishing can  silent time it a happy time season time, it a Christmas time. Daddy and Mummy makes this season real children dress like a king and queen chicken slice, smells like season chills wishing everyone a merry Christmas. hmmm hmm...


Studio CEO lead: BRINGING FUTURE TALENTED MUSICIANS ARTIST TO REALITY: Music Propagations           Things to know about music documentaries      Am Vixti2, am the founder and CEO of FTMUSIC studio, also a music...

How to Compose Music

                                                  SoundCloud freestyle music                                                      What does it take to learn composition?                 “Musical composition is the process of making or forming a piece of music by combining the parts, or elements of music. ” The fastest way to learn composition is to memorize small fragments of music, and then learn to change and combine those fragments in very specific ways. The process of changing it, actually forces you to understand it. When I started Art of Composing in 2011, I had a loose idea of the things I needed to learn. But it wasn’t very clear in my mind. So I set out reading just about every music...